
Welcome to our Eco-Committee page. We are making Maesybryn Primary an eco-friendly school and are working towards the Green Flag this year. We strive to make our school sustainable through the eight topics: litter, waste minimisation, energy, water, transport, healthy living, school grounds and global citizenship. Look around and see for yourselves, we are working hard!

Sunday 21 October 2012

ECO WEEK Mon 23rd to Fri 26th Oct 2012

Lunch waste monitoring
• Mrs Evans class and the Eco Committee will be monitoring the amount of food and litter we generate by the school for 2 weeks. During the week commencing 15th of October we will be asking all the children to leave their lunch waste in school rather than take it home, please bear with us during this time. For the week commencing the 22nd of October(eco week) help your child as much as possible to bring in waste free lunches and snacks, such as reusable drinks bottles and food in reusable containers (such as crisps, bars etc), also only bring in the amount of food they can eat.

Travelling to school (Walking bus from Spar)
• Think about your journey to school. For the eco week we will be having a walking bus from the Spar shop at 8:45am lead by Mr Roberts to the school. Can infant children please be handed to staff by an adult as normal. So if you live locally bring your child to the spar and support us for the week.

Recycled Fashion Day
• Please support your child/children in making a recycled t-shirt to wear to school on Friday 26th October. This could be made of recycled materials e.g. cardboard, paper, plastic. The more imaginative the better. If you are struggling for ideas dress your child in a green t-shirt.

Fair Trade snack stall
• The school is hoping to run a fair trade snack stall this week. It will be open to KS2 children only and we would love for all children to try them. Details of price to follow.

Many thanks for your continued support and helping us to raise the environmental awareness of the children in school and at the home both this week and beyond.

Mrs Street. Eco Coordinator

Wednesday 25 January 2012

There is so much going on!

Hi all,

We have been really busy with many Eco achievements in the last year that we shall list them below:

  • We have achieved our silver award from Eco-schools
  • We completed the climate week challenge with the Eco-Council
  • Miss Jervis has gained her Forest School Level 3 to teach lots of fun things for the children to do in the Forest.
  • We have a pond where there is lots of natural habitat living and is a super learning resource for us at Maesybryn.
  • Mrs Hargreaves and Mrs Richards have been trained to develop the willow garden further and lots of new and exciting ideas for us to do with the willow.
  • We are carrying out links to Uganda, with Mrs Bennell and Mrs Richards visiting in February.
  • We are also looking at traffic safety and have entered a competition to have a large poster outside the school reminded parents where to park and to keep the children at Maesybryn SAFE!
  • We have an action plan developed with the Eco-Council to achieve our Green Flag for Eco-Schools.
Exciting times ahead!  We will keep you posted!

Mrs Street and Miss Jervis