
Welcome to our Eco-Committee page. We are making Maesybryn Primary an eco-friendly school and are working towards the Green Flag this year. We strive to make our school sustainable through the eight topics: litter, waste minimisation, energy, water, transport, healthy living, school grounds and global citizenship. Look around and see for yourselves, we are working hard!

Monday 25 January 2010


We are currently setting up an Eco-Committee within the school of children and staff. Elections are taking place this week with one pupil elected from each class. Results will be known by Friday 29th January.
List of committee members will be posted here next week.
Good Luck to all candidates!

Mrs street


  1. Dear Mrs Street,
    Our class would like you to hear a poem we learnt last term. We are wasting a lot less paper now!

    Reduce, reuse, recycle- it's important that we do,
    Saving our planet, yes, it's true what we can do,
    It's bad for nature when we cut down trees for paper,
    This is why, we must try to -

    from class 7

  2. Im glad Im in the committee Mrs Street. I think its a good dea to have a committee.
    From Niamh Fish.

  3. Congratulations Niamh. We will be holding our meetings soon and can't wait to see the ideas the committe comes up with. We will make the school a better place. Well done class 7. Love your poem. Will have to get the committe to organise the rest of the classes to REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE. I am so excited about what we can do.
    Mrs Street
